Friday, November 20, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Europa's Fairy Book

My favorite stories from the second unit of Europa's Fairy Book unit by Joseph Jacobs are:

Androcles and the Lion. I read this story before. It was really fun then, it is still fun now.
The main character, Androcles, is treated the same way, but some things are changed.
This story should remind people to do good things in their lives no matter the result. In the end, they might just get something better in return.

A Visitor from Paradise. This is very funny. The way the lady is portrayed is very funny.
The beggar just goes with the lady's story, which was the funniest part.
The ending shows that if you are good, you will get rewarded in some ways in the end. The story portrayed the lady and the husband as good but dumb people, but good things come their way after that bad thing.
Johnnie and Grizzle.What is up with people leaving their kids in the forest in these stories? I've come across several of those kinds now. I have to say, way to go, Johnnie!
I thought of Hansel and Gretel while reading the witch part.
Thankfully, they don't die! Also, somehow the dad gets rich!!

Picture depicting Johnnie dropping a stone.

Inside Again. I read a similar story involving a tiger last time.
This time it involves a snake.
The story brings up an interesting debate: gratitude or the rights of self-preservation.
After reading the ending, I am leaning towards self-preservation! The fox should've kept on walking, instead of helping the man.
It just shows how ungrateful everyone is!

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